Friday, March 29, 2013

Short OR Long posts? Which one to choose? - Blogging Tips

Many people like Brian Clark, Darren Rowse and Seth Godin had built their empire online writing small posts. Maybe they don?t do it now. But they built their multi six figure business online.

On the other hand, people like Glen Allsopp, Onibalusi, built their business online writing long posts. Sometimes they write more than 4000 words for just one post.

So which type should you write? This is all what the post is about.

So Continue Reading.

Short Posts:

Short posts are posts which are less than 500 words. Sometimes it?s 200 words.

Here are the advantages of short posts:

1- Easy to write:

The best thing about short posts is that they are easy to write. You can write multiple short posts a day or at least one. Give your readers a lot of content and then gain the benefits.

2- You go to the point directly without fluff words:

This is another thing about short posts. You can give your readers a lot of tips in just 500 words and by this way you don?t waste their time. ?And they will love your content and come for the good tips.


Most of them are ignored after short time:

As they are easy to create, they are easy to ignore. Most of the old posts on the internet are ignored. Do you ever hear about any short post written from a year.

This rarly happens.

Long Posts:

Long posts are the currency of the web nowadays. They are posts that have more than 2000+ words, sometimes 4000 words.

Whenver you go and check any of GLen Allsopp posts or Jon Morrow?s posts, You will find that they are very long and you get a lot of information from it.

Here?s why Long posts are used nowadays:

1- They offer high value:

Usually, long posts contains a lot of information. You can cover everything about one topic and make it all in one resource page that people will come to check again and again over time.

2- They attracts links, shares, traffic and most importantly more subscribers:

Another great advantage and the most important advantage of writing long posts is that they are great for attracting high quality links from big blogs. You can also get hundreds if not thousands of likes, tweets and +1s from big influencers.

All this will get you a lot of visitors. Those visitors can be subscribers who you can build relationship with and then get more money.

Did you see how it?s great to write high quality long posts.


  • It needs a lot of time to prepare
  • You can be bored and so you readers will.

So which one should you choose?

You should continue writing when you can continue providing great value. Giving a lot of fluff can ruin your repitition.

However, I recommend writing long posts. You can?t be noticed nowadays with small posts.

Yes, they are easy to create.

Yes, they have value that people will love.

But with over 175 million blogs nowadays, you can?t be noticed with small posts.

This is one of the new Blogging Rules that you should follow.

So I recommend you to write even one post every 2 weeks but offer high value and then kick your ass to promote it.

You may also read:?How To Create Super Engaging Blog Content.


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